I’m Jessie Lewis, and this is The Jumble, a newsletter about how to make meaning in the mess.

Here’s the story so far—

For 9 years, I’d worked hard to build a career as a marketing writer. And I did it. I worked with both huge brands and small businesses. I was, in society’s eyes, some version of successful.

But all the while, I was spending my weekends writing for my blog, drawing, and sewing costumes.

My career was focused on being creative for others. But I craved being creative for myself.

In October 2021, it all came to a head. My latest job was feeling heavy. We were about to move to a new house. My husband was facing some serious knee problems, leaving him barely able to walk.

And a little blue test line showed that our tiny family was about to grow.

So I did the only thing that felt right: I quit. And in the ashes of that decision, I've begun to find something in me a bit deeper, a bit truer.

Life now looks drastically different than it did. I spend my days caring for my baby and helping my husband as he recovers from intensive knee surgery. In the snatched moments in-between, I write, create, and dream.

This newsletter is for those who have learned that life isn’t formulaic. The best-laid plans often fall apart. And in those fractured places lies something beautiful.

So, welcome to The Jumble. It’s a work in progress, it’s a community, and it’s my favorite place. I’m glad to have you here.

What to expect

Although I’ve been writing an email newsletter for years, this Substack is shiny and new. Moving forward, you can look out for:

  • Life lessons from a marketer-turned-writer-turned-parent (me) who continually blows up and rebuilds her life (in a good way)

  • Occasional thoughts on kids, costume-making, home DIY projects, and other hobbies that make life fun

  • Book, article, and podcast recommendations

  • Quality over quantity (…which is my clever way to tell you that I cannot commit to any kind of a consistent publishing schedule yet. Any complaints can be sent to the 5-month-old currently screeching on my lap.)

And I work hard to make it worth your inbox space. Past readers have told me:

  • “It always happens to be the kind of encouragement I need at the moment I need it”

  • “I had a huge A-ha! moment”

  • “Your emails are one of the things I look forward to in my inbox"

Each post in an opportunity for conversation and community. I hope you’ll join in!

Join a community of 1,600+ other meaning-makers

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A newsletter about life's messiness and how to navigate it all.